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Human Design

Human Design is a unique system that is meant to help us understand the mechanics of our own energy and personality. 

Image by Omar Lopez

Discover Who You Are

Every Human Has a Story

Our human story starts before we are born into the physical world. At the very moment of our conception, the energetic conditions of our body and consciousness are being formed. Our real story is contained within our genes and expressed through our body and our consciousness. These conditional elements are expressed through our personality

Every human has a story. Every human has a personality. Every human is unique.

Image by Hannes Köttner

Your Life, Your Destiny

Your blueprint is written in the stars and reflected here on Earth

Image by J G D

Most people have heard of astrology. Some people are aware of the ways that the planets and stars influence our daily lives. The macrocosmic energies of the celestial bodies are mirrored within the microcosmic energies of our life on earth. The conditions surrounding our lives, even the moments leading up to our birth are written in the stars. Our unique personality and design are imprinted by the celestial spheres at the precise moment of our birth.

Abstract systems such as Astrology and Human Design help us create a context for understanding PERSONAL EXPERIENCES that make up our life.
Astrology, like many bodies of knowledge, are complex systems that can be difficult to understand!

True understanding is felt and lived through application.
Image by Hugo Herrera

Human design is an applied system that helps us to understand abstract concepts through our personality in a practical way.

Image by Nathan Jennings

Contextualize Your Life

Integrate Your Personality

Embody Your Potential

What you can expect from your personal online Human Design Reading:

  • An overview of the Human Design System

  • A personalized BodyGraph Chart Reading

  • Familiarize yourself with the Human Design system in order to receive practical tools for your life and self-development 

  • You will gain insight into the energy mechanics of your auric type

  • You will learn strategies for navigating various elements within your personality

  • You will learn to recognize your own conditioning patterns

  • You will empower yourself and others by learning proper decision making skills

  • We aim to make connections that will guide you towards your own awakening 

Your understanding of Human Design is meant to be integrated as part of your larger self-development and wellness plan

Human Design Readings are available as individual sessions or as part of our various integrative wellness packages.

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